Tag: Recipes for Health

Jeff Zisselman sharing Packing Tips for Your Carry-On Bag

http://www.everydayhealth.com/healthy-travel/packing-tips-for-carry-ons.aspx Hi World! Whether you’re planning to take just a carry-on bag to save on checked luggage fees or simply know the value of having essentials in your possession at all times, packing tips will help you make the most of this…

Jeff Zisselman sharing The Truth Behind Six Cholesterol Myths

Source: http://www.everydayhealth.com/high-cholesterol/high-cholesterol-myths.aspx Hi World! Do you know what your cholesterol levels mean, or the differencebetween good and bad cholesterol? Clearing up your confusion and understanding the dangers of high cholesterol can help you keep your levels within a healthy range, lowering your chances of…

Jeff Zisselman sharing How to Avoid Back Pain

Source: http://www.everydayhealth.com/back-pain/how-to-avoid-back-pain.aspx Hello World! More than 26 million Americans experience frequent back pain, and “approximately 80 percent of the population will have back pain at one time or another,” says orthopedic surgeon Warner Louis Pinchback, Jr, MD, who has a private…

Jeff Zisselman sharing Connection between What You Eat and How You Feel.

http://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-nutrition/101/benefits-of-healthy-eating/food-health-connection.aspx Hey there! We’ve all heard the old saying “you are what you eat.” And it’s still true. If you stick to a healthy diet full of vitamins and minerals, your body reflects it. You feel healthy, energized, and just…